If I had a nickel for every pic clicked today; in no time at all I would have a quarter.
Everything is very green, except the flowers which are very yellow.
3/18/2023 02:12:02 pm
I can see being surrounded by all those shooters making you feel safer.
3/18/2023 05:13:38 pm
One of the advantages of being an old geezer, is you get to see what the new times are looking like, and you've seen and experienced the old times, so you have something to compare the new times to. In other words you don't have to listen to the lies you're being told by others because you've been there and seen it for yourself.
3/19/2023 01:24:58 pm
I'm OK with you being passionate about guns. I'm not. But in case of an apocalypse I have committed to going a visit a guy who is also passionate about guns. That's my way of being safe.
3/19/2023 10:06:43 pm
Good people with guns built this country, and Kept it safe for all these years. And I'll be writing a little more about that very thing in my blog tomorrow.
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