There's no way around it, the pics have to be clicked. So you might as well do it now and get it over with. My last sunrise at the Road Runner BLM boondocking area.
Quartzsite Arizona sunset Sunset Quartzsite Arizona, BLM boondocking
11/17/2021 04:55:59 pm
The second I say your Quartzsite, AZ, picture I thought of Barney. I can see him painting that one.
11/17/2021 05:50:32 pm
And I'm sure he would make it look a lot better than I did.
11/17/2021 07:50:28 pm
So, some wee clouds for your sunrises and sunsets, which are of course lovely to see, and I must say I thought you've done some stunning photos with the cloudless ones. And for some reason, I am quite fond of the first picture of the laundromat.
11/17/2021 08:29:54 pm
Thank you Judith. yes I not only need clouds for nice sunsets, they need to be the right kind of clouds, not too thin, not too thick, and being in the right part of the sky helps to. Maybe that's a lot to ask for, but it doesn't take much to keep me happy nowadays.
11/18/2021 10:40:59 am
If you didn't like that $4.07 price for fuel, you better not mosey into California. By the time you would get here, add $1.00 to that price, all caused by that individual you didn't mention.
11/18/2021 12:07:01 pm
Yeah, KennyD I stopped going to California many years ago. I don't want them to have any of my money, and I refuse to honor them with my presence.... As if that bothers them. It wasn't always like that, and It's a shame it has to be that way. But I don't see anything shaping up in the future that will stop, or even slow down, California's downward slide.
11/18/2021 09:35:11 pm
The last time I was in California was infantry training in April-May 1969. I did not like it then at Fort Ord area. I have crossed a little bit a couple of times since then when a road looped into California but was soon back in Nevada which I did like. Never had even a little bit of desire to go back. to California.
11/19/2021 08:12:55 am
Yeah Barney, I don't see any sense in giving California any portion of my money, it just rewards bad behavior.
11/19/2021 05:55:27 pm
So Barney was going in while Tom was coming out and my Dave still had a few months to serve in Texas. He would have had another year but they sent him home early since they no longer needed all those helicopter pilots. At least they waited until after our daughter was born so we got her cheap. :)
11/19/2021 08:02:08 pm
Yeah 1969 was when Vietnam was winding down and I too got a three month early out, for the same reason, the Air Force simply had too many people without much of a war left.
11/20/2021 01:03:48 pm
Yes, Dave sent out a ton of resumes looking for a pilot job but too many more qualified people were also applying. He was lucky though, in that he got hired at a small manufacturing company where many of his family members had worked over the years and he stayed with them until retirement eventually making really good money although he started at about half what he'd been making in the Army.
11/20/2021 02:12:56 pm
To me flying helicopters is one of the more dangerous things that you can fly around in, so who's to say you're Dave would have even survived 30 years of flying around in a helicopter? They don't even have any wings for Christ sakes. So getting a job where both feet remain on the ground, and the chances of getting hit by a rotor are zero, may have been the best thing that ever happened to him. Your comment will be posted after it is approved.
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