![]() Today's pictures are all from Yuma. This is a picture of the once mighty Colorado River, looking at it today it's hard to believe that once riverboats steamed up and down it and the pioneers had trouble getting across it but due to damming and extensive irrigation the river is but a trickle of its former self.
I was looking at the calendar last night and realized that this is Easter weekend and it suddenly hit me that I'm scheduled to leave the Escapees Park in Benson and head towards New Mexico this Friday and it's very likely that parks and other places might be full.
I remember last year I was at Elephant Butte state Park, Truth or Consequences New Mexico on Easter weekend and I was shocked how crowded the place got starting Thursday afternoon. So not wanting to get myself into a "situation" I've decided to re-up here at the Escapees Park and hunker down till Monday morning when things will probably be back to normal. I haven't run this idea by the Escapees office yet but since they have a lot of dry camping sites and I'm still the only one here I assume it won't be a problem. Spending a few extra days here might give me a chance to go back to Tombstone and do the tourist thing, or even go to Sierra Vista and visit the museum at Fort Huachuca, [wa choo ka]. But what I would really like to do is install my backup cameras before I hit the road again. I'm going to have to use my ladder to get up to where the cameras are located but maybe with a little ingenuity and proper timing I can get the job done without looking like I'm working on something and violating any Escapees rules. And the fact that I'm known to be a lazy bum gives me the perfect cover to deny that I'm doing any work on the Arctic Fox. theboondork
![]() The interior of a two-man cell. It was very small. Summertime it's 120 degrees in the shade in Yuma and there was no air-conditioning. See how the cell is made out of rock, one of the things prisoners did all day was break big rocks into small rocks to build the prison buildings. Imagine swinging a 12 pound hammer all day long every day in 120 degree summer temperatures, it might've made a lot of prisoners rethink the life choices they had made up to that point. |