Yesterday I drove to Trinidad Colorado and dry camped in the Walmart parking lot. But it was still pretty chilly and I had to run the furnace at night but it was still better than being in the mountains.
Today I drove to Grants New Mexico, that was further than I intended to go in one day but I'm used to driving for long distances, so those 300 miles were pretty easy. I had 70° weather by the time I got to Albuquerque and I assume it will just get warmer as I had west and south. So I find myself in another Walmart parking lot, which is okay I've dry camped in more Walmarts than I can count and have never had problems getting a good nights sleep. I know the noise and the traffic bother some folks but I'm able to block it out mentally somehow so that it never keeps me awake. But the guy that drives that vacuum truck that cleans the Walmart parking lots at 3 o'clock in the morning, that's hard for even me to block out. Something that's starting to bother me more and more is the amount of panhandlers that are hanging around Walmart parking lots. I don't know if Walmart is looking the other way now or if they were never here before. But it seems like I cant get into the store without at least one coming over. Now of course since I'm driving an RV I park out in the farthest reaches of the parking lot, and since I'm exposed for a longer period of time than most folks as I walk to the store I think that makes me more susceptible to being accosted by these annoying people. And the most troublesome part of what they do is they are taking help away from people that may really need it.
![]() Today has been cold, wet, Windy and gloomy, which means I didn't get a whole lot done to get the Arctic Fox ready to leave tomorrow. One good thing is that the trailer kept me warm and comfortable all day and that's going to be important to going full-time. Also having weather like this makes me appreciate the fact that I'm heading someplace warm. Had to go to the bank today and do some paperwork, I've opened up some accounts with Wells Fargo so that I can have a bank available as I travel. I'm going to try to do as much as I can on the Internet like banking and paying bills, but I think it would be very handy to have a physical bank I can go to when the Internet doesn't work out. I'm very glad that I stayed here an extra week after the house closed because I've had more things to do than I had realized. But I think now I've cleaned up all the loose ends and I can get on the road. Right now I don't feel like a full-timer yet, because I'm still doing a lot of the things I did before I moved. But I think once I get on the road and start heading south I will be able to relax more and actually feel like I'm living in my fifth wheel. ![]() I had made reservations at an RV park in Lake George Colorado appropriately named, Lake George cabins and RV Park. I had hoped to stay a little closer to Woodland Park where I lived but the parks there were full. The Lake George RV Park is small but what it lacks in amenities it makes up for by having some great owners to really care about their people. I had to stay around locally because I still had some odds and ends to take care of, banking, post office things like that so I made a reservation for one week which worked out great because the RV park was going to close the end of the month And that was all the time I needed. The week I was there was kind of cold with a little bit of snow, and getting down into the 20s at night which meant I had to remember to disconnect my water hose so it didn't freeze. I'm not really prepared for freezing weather, since I hadn't planned on being in any. I will be leaving Saturday which happens to be Halloween, and plan on going down to Trinidad Colorado and staying at the Walmart. Those are just tentative plans of course, I'm going to try to not have any real plans just a general idea of where I would like to be. And that will probably mean southern Arizona, southern Texas, and Southern Florida in the winter. And the mountains of Colorado in the summer. |