Yesterday I showed a picture of all the little kids they came to the park in a bus and how they were waiting for something to happen. At the time I didn't know what they were doing, but it turns out this is what they were waiting for, the turning on of the Christmas lights in the city park for the holiday season. It's quite a light show, and since I was boondocked about 100 feet away I got to stroll through the lights as much as I wanted. I talked to the young man that takes care of the park and he was rightly proud of what his little town could do. Stumbling into the Junction Texas holiday light show, and the people it brought to the Park was one of those things that was totally unplanned, but made an impression on me I'll never forget.
Just before dark a little bus pulled up next to this group shelter at the city Park and a whole bunch of little kids got out and started running around and playing, but mostly they were looking at something. About 15 minutes later I found out what it was they were looking at, and tomorrow I'll show you some pictures. |