If you click the pics they will get bigger, and bigger, and bigger.... Until they explode. .
Cloudless sunrise at the Elephant.
Background scenery at Elephant Butte.
Larry Worsham
4/9/2022 06:26:03 am
Why do I follow certain blogs.......you have caused me to ponder why I spend time reading blogs of folks I don't know personally. I think most humans need to belong to a tribe. The tribes include religious affilations, clubs, sports teams and so on. Common interest is the key. I read your blog because you post interesting and very good photo's and I find your self deprecating humor and prose funny. I learn things from your blog along with idea's on travel, rv'ing and photography. I look forward to reading it in the morning. We have similar interests.
4/9/2022 07:22:11 am
Well thank you again Larry, your comment has given me a subject to write about in my blog today, and that's always appreciated. I look forward to the day my dedicated readers... Both of them, write comments that I can just copy and paste into my daily blog without me having to write anything at all, that way I can just stick my camera out the door, take a couple of snapshots, and go back to relaxing.
4/9/2022 03:02:55 pm
I follow your blog, besides being interested in what you photograph and what you write, because I would like to travel in my camper one day. Im in the middle of renovations right now (its a 1992 Toyota Townace) but hope to hit the road at least part time maybe in the next next year or two. Meanwhile, its fun to follow your travels online. You do a good job at keeping the dream alive for us wanna-bees! Best wishes and keep safe,
4/9/2022 04:18:03 pm
Thank you Nancy, it's always great to hear from New Zealand. I just looked up your RV on the Internet, and it looks a little like a Volkswagen camper van. My daughter has had several Toyotas, and still has one now. And I've come to believe that through personal experience and word-of-mouth, Toyotas are the most reliable vehicles on the road.
4/9/2022 03:15:25 pm
Both of them? The rest of us don't count?! :)
4/9/2022 04:26:56 pm
My dedicated readers are ones I have to pay to read my blog, that's why they're dedicated. You're more like family.
4/9/2022 07:33:59 pm
Hey, speaking as a dedicated reader, where's my check?? You SAID it was in the mail.
4/9/2022 08:32:37 pm
You would take one of MY checks???
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