12/10/2018 05:32:17 pm
Interesting that you should write about this - I have been on a quest the last few months to 1) Lose weight and 2) Drop my blood sugar. So, at the first of October, I started on the Keto diet, along with intermittent fasting, and have dropped a lot of weight. How much weight? I have no idea because I decided that I wasn't going to weigh myself since the scale is a terrible way to tell if you're dropping fat (water weight, muscle gain, etc. can affect the scale). However, I have dropped my blood sugar considerably, which is great and had to punch two new holes in my belt and need to do a third. Tomorrow, I have my annual physical, so we'll see what the doctor and the scale says.
12/10/2018 07:14:38 pm
I glanced at the Keto diet just to see what it was and will read more about a little later. I've always been leery of anything with the word diet in the name, for the obvious reason that everybody goes on them, they all work to some degree or another because they all involve eating less food than you ate before. But very few people can stay on them because there's always some kind of regimen that sooner or later starts to interfere with life.
12/11/2018 09:06:19 am
I just got back from my annual physical and I've lost 21 lbs since my last visit and dropped my blood sugar way down (started the diet about 2 months ago). So far, I'm very happy with this diet and exercise program.
12/11/2018 11:04:18 am
Here's a good example of how lazy I am. I started writing a response to your comment and the response ended up being so long I decided I would just turn it into my blog post for today and kill two birds with one stone. I may be lazy but at least I'm imaginative.
12/11/2018 02:47:31 pm
Oh, one other note; I started at 216 lbs and I'm now at 195 lbs, so I lost about 10% of my weight. (Just in case anyone thinks I might be 650 lbs, in which case 21 lbs might not be very impressive).
12/11/2018 03:33:36 pm
You've done quite well losing that much weight and its bound to be good for you, but the proof of the pudding, sorry I used that metaphor to someone on a diet, is will that weight still be gone in a year.
Linda Sand
12/11/2018 03:37:13 pm
Another good source for keto information is Mark's Daily Apple blog.
12/11/2018 07:06:42 pm
Thank you for that suggestion, I look him up.
12/12/2018 08:49:35 am
I talk about this a little bit in the other blog post, but for me, the weight lose is secondary to the blood sugar stabilization. I really don't have a choice anymore. I have to stay on a low carb diet or I'll see a rise in blood sugar, medications to control it (and the side effects), and the complications from Type 2 diabetes. For me, it's not just a diet, it's a lifestyle in order to stay healthy. And, this is easy and I don't feel deprived. In some diets, I was starving and was just looking forward to the day that I could go back to eating "normally". Now, I feel like I am eating normally, just have cut out all the junk.
12/12/2018 02:31:14 pm
You said the magic word, "lifestyle". that is the key to getting healthy and staying healthy. The word "diet" has the connotation of eating odd things in strange ways, which no one can keep doing for long so the diet almost always fails.
12/13/2018 02:06:56 pm
As you've said: less calories in + more calories out = weight loss. The reason that Keto is helpful with that equation is that your appetite goes way down, plus you are reducing your insulin load into your system. Whenever I've tried to strictly reduce calories by not eating as much, but still eating a lot of carbs, it never sticks because I'm always hungry and counting down the days until I can go back to a "Standard American Diet" (which for me anyway, means I'll gain the weight back). Now, I'm never hungry and can go a long time between meals, when on most diets I'm eating more often and it's hard to reduce the calories in part.
12/13/2018 05:25:48 pm
Being free enough to live your life the way you want to live it is always a great reason to stay alive. Carpe diem.
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