12/4/2018 09:16:03 am
Really nice time lapse, good choice for the music, and great editing. It did make me wonder why you wouldn't want to spend all your time in such a beautiful area . . . until winter came around and then it was all clear.
12/4/2018 10:18:54 am
Thank you very much Tim I appreciate that. Unless you're a winter sports enthusiast there's few legitimate reasons for living in the Colorado mountains during the winter.
12/4/2018 01:30:04 pm
The potential for slips and falls were one of the reasons that I sold my house and moved to the apartment. My house didn't get sun in the winter and the drive, walkways, steps, etc., were treacherous until I got everything cleared and salted, which could take several hours (before or after work, but almost always in the dark). It's much better now, but there is still the possibility of slipping somewhere, so I try to be vigilant, but only warmer weather can truly solve that problem.
12/4/2018 04:56:25 pm
70° weather year-round is heaven, and is the only way that I would want to live.
Linda Sand
12/4/2018 03:34:39 pm
Beautiful! It took me back many years to when my Dave's grandparents live in an apartment in Minnesota facing a tropical courtyard. There was a plant starting to bud right off their balcony. They set up a time lapse camera to take one picture a day. It was also beautiful watching that plant bloom. There can be a lot of beauty in time lapse photography as you demonstrated so well.
12/4/2018 05:00:38 pm
Thank you very much I really appreciate you saying that. That makes me think about maybe even trying another one. I think a sunset might be a candidate for one.
12/5/2018 08:32:31 am
I turn off the main electrical switch when I leave the RV, so I'm hoping that's stopping the phantom loads, but maybe there is still something that can drain the battery. The back of the AF is facing north right now, which was fine earlier in the year, but I plan to turn it around this weekend so the solar panel can get more sun, now that it's so low in the sky. Luckily, we haven't gotten much snow yet, so the solar panel should be clear; clearing the panel is something I need to consider as the winter progresses.
12/5/2018 10:27:03 am
Yeah in the wintertime that low hanging sun will really affect your life if you're going to live on sunshine like I do.
12/6/2018 12:27:21 pm
I'm pretty sure the solar charger stops the batteries from discharging at night, since whenever I go up there, the batteries are totally full.
12/6/2018 03:03:42 pm
Since you've shoveled enough of it you know how much a shovelful can weight, imagine two feet of snow sitting up there on the roof. It gets pretty heavy real quick.
12/7/2018 01:04:01 pm
My ex-wife decided to "help" me one time while I was using the snow blower by clearing the snow off my car with a snow shovel (while I had my back turned going down the drive). Needless to say, the value of my car dropped considerably that day. I still had to smile and say "thank you" in order to head off any drama.
12/7/2018 01:52:39 pm
That "Gosh I'm ready to get out of here" is exactly the feeling you need to start heading towards the door. That's the feeling that will carry you through the difficult times of getting ready to leave, packing up, and cutting the ties.
12/7/2018 02:13:53 pm
Okay, that's good to know that you just stay on your telescoping ladder and are able to get the snow off. That's what I'll try.
12/7/2018 04:41:52 pm
I think once you get on the road and start enjoying the RV lifestyle, which hopefully you will, then leaving cold country when summer's over is not as difficult as you might think. I've got the same situation when I go to Denver in the summer to spend time with my family. I love being there and spending the summer with my family is great, I can't think of anyplace else I'd rather be. But come fall when it starts getting chilly I start getting what RVers call hitch itch, and I have an overwhelming desire to hit the road and experience the freedom traveling brings. The call of the road, itchi feet, or as Jack Kerouac said, "On the Road", they all mean the same thing, the freedom to live your life how and where you please.
12/10/2018 02:55:01 pm
I'm still planning on hitting the road soon, I'm just not sure on the exact timing yet. I'm trying to hit the sweet spot between retiring too early and retiring too late. Probably, I'll be in the retiring too late camp; but I tend to be conservative (only want to work if I have to after retirement).
12/10/2018 04:08:07 pm
Get on the road, you might be able to out run the Grim Reaper, if not at least he'll have trouble finding you..... On second thought, Arizona is not a very good place to hide from him. He's used to the heat, and Arizona's full of retired people hiding from him.
12/10/2018 05:37:48 pm
Depending on the time of year, having a trailer hauling guy bring it down might be the way to go. The other option is to put my stuff in one of those "Pods" and have them deliver it to Arizona. They'll hold them for as long as you want (for a fee), so that might be cheaper. I was hoping to work my way south and west with the AF to see some sights and visit friends and family. But like you've said, I'll be retired and will have more time on my hands, so I'll have a lot more options then.
12/10/2018 07:50:30 pm
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